The Way of Shadows, by Brent Weeks
Other People's Books
OK, so maybe Brent Weeks doesn’t need any more advertisements or reviews. Still, it’s just a good book. The “powerless orphan becomes something special” trope isn’t new, by any means, nor is the plot of the book anything you can’t probably guess at just by reading the back cover. But it will capture you nonetheless. The world is detailed but easy to relate to, and the pacing keeps your eyes open late at night. But the people are the best part. This is the rare sort of book where most of the characters, not just a few, are memorable people who you’re likely to think about long after you’ve finished reading.
I read books 2 and 3 of the series as well and although like just about every series, they weren’t quite as good as the first, they still got read pretty quickly. What better advertisement for a book than the fact that I felt the urge to go down to the bookstore and pay way too much cash for new versions instead of waiting to find used copies?
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