Pines, by Blake Crouch

Other People's Books

Pines (The Wayward Pines Trilogy, Book 1) by [Crouch, Blake]

As a general rule, if books get a whole lot of attention, get turned into a movie or TV series (this one was a pretty good TV series), and so on, it kind of turns me off. But I have to admit: this book was just plain brilliant. The author does a superb job of slowly lowering us into a mind-bending experience, and expertly find the point where it’s almost too much strangeness and then “Oh my God, DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?” And then it gets wild from there. Really, everyone should try this. Different people like different genres, but I honestly feel like the only person who might not like this one is that lonely person who exclusively reads werewolf-themed bodice-rippers.

H2O (re-released as The Rain), by Virginia Bergin
The Way of Shadows, by Brent Weeks

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